Monday 29 June 2015


it’s not easy picking the best multi-tool, largely because everyone’s need for one is different. Will you carry it every day? How will you bring it around – in a pocket, in a key ring, or in a pouch on your pack? What do you need it for? On top of all those, you need to consider the tool’s durability, heft, and utility, along with how money you’re willing to part for one.
So, in putting together this list, we not only chose our favorite of the general-purpose multi-tools, but threw in a few choice tools designed with specific types of needs in mind. There may be no single multi-tool that’s perfect for everyone, but there should be one that’s almost perfect for anyone’s particular situation.

Are only Metals conductive? A Clay That Can Conduct Electricity Now Exists

Bye bye metals. We now know, you’ve been used to cornering the market on conducting electricity, but some day, a clay could very well replace you when making electrodes for next-generation batteries and supercapacitors Called MXene (pronounced mex-een), it’s a conductive clay developed by researchers working out of Drexel University’s College of Engineering.

Granted, MXene isn’t exactly new, having been invented by another Drexel team back in 2011. The original material they developed then, however, was severely infeasible, relying on complicated steps to produce an electrode that made its production hazardous, cost-prohibitive, and time-consuming (it took an entire day to produce), unlike the case with the new supermaterial, which can be shaped into an electrode in just 15 minutes

Forget Retinal Scans And Fingerprints, Brainprints Can Be The Future of Biometrics/security

Passwords sucks. At least, the way we handle them suck. From users creating weak passwords to hackers compromising them using simple social engineering, it’s just not a very reliable method of handling sensitive material. And while there is a wide range of biometrics currently in use, there’s still no certainty about which one will end up being the most prominent going forward. It could be fingerprints, retinal scans, or even Brainprints.